The power of seeing things differently

The value of real estate varies according to its use. This month, the Dutch bank FGH published their Real-estate report 2015: the power of seeing things differently. In 2014, Dutch consumer confidence has regained the level it had before the crisis. But the retail market is clearly different than before the crisis. The reasons for this are multiple.

In its report, the FGH bank analyzed the retail market via the DESTEP-method. It generated insight into relevant trends based on Demographic, Economic, Social, Cultural, Technological, Environmental and politico-legal factors. Then these were translated into possible effects on real-estate use.

To achieve trend analysis on commercial real estate, the FGH Bank is constantly looking for data. What’s the current situation, which trend are being observed, can we already say something about future developments? Here’s where Locatus comes into the picture. After all, we have those databases with current as well as historical information. They asked if they could interview me about what Locatus actually is, what data we have when it comes to Big Data and what were our product innovations? I gladly gave my answers, and I’ll share them with you.

Here the short film from FGH bank