Descargo de responsibilidad

General information

What is set down below is applicable to the web page. By using the web page you agree to this disclaimer.

Privacy declaration

You can visit this website without informing us about whom you are or providing any information about yourself. There are, however, situations when we require information from you to, for example, correspond with you or to realise a subscription. We aim at letting you know about this at all times before we gather personal information through the Internet.

This website keeps a record of the number of visitors, the websites from where they were redirected to our website and the service provider through whom they have access to the Internet. The results are only used in aggregated form that cannot be traced to individual people.

Gathered (personal) data is not sold or made available to third parties except in special cases such as when legally required. You can also request that your data be removed from our files at any given moment.

Exclusion of liability

Rights cannot be derived from the information on this web page. The information can be subject to change. We cannot be held responsible for typographical errors. Although we try to assure accuracy and completeness with regard to the information we provide, Locatus cannot accept any liability for damages or losses in any way whatsoever that may have arisen due to use, incompleteness or incorrectness of the offered information on this website.

Availability of the website

The information and recommendations made on this website are subject to change without prior notice or warning. We make every attempt to ensure that this web page is accessible as much as possible but we cannot assume any liability for any consequences of (temporary) non-availability.

Copyrights and intellectual property rights

The copyright on this website is vested on Locatus or third parties who have made this (image) material available to Locatus with permission. Copying the (image) material in whatever shape or form is, therefore, only permitted after obtaining prior permission from Locatus.